Operator (2015) Analysis
Operator directed by Caroline Bartleet is an intense short drama about a 999 phone call operator who is dealing with a woman trapped in a house on fire with her child. There is very simple cinematography used throughout the film. Each shot is very long, and either a very slow zoom in or out or a slow movement around the operating desk. This use of simple cinematography means that the audience isn't detracted from the tense, distressing action happening on screen, as the there isn't much action or movement onscreen. If there is complex cinematography, it can distract an audience from what is going on screen if it's meant to be an intense or emotional moment, emotions which the operator conveys. The slow cinematography means that the audience isn't constantly being reminded they're watching a film (which can happen if there are lots of short shots in a scene that doesn't have much onscreen action or movement) and they become more involved and drawn into what is going on in the narrative.
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